By the Nature Conservancy of California in cooperation with The Irvine Museum.
A stunning tour of the seven ecological regions California, accompanied by 87 color images of these regions as represented by paintings from The Irvine Museum, the Oakland Museum of California, the Crocker Art Museum, the Hearst Art Gallery, the Kern County Museum and several private collections.
Written by David Wicinas, with additional essays by E. O. Wilson, Joan Irvine Smith, Jean Stern, Kevin Starr and many others.
136 pages, 87 color plates, map
Hardbound edition
A stunning tour of the seven ecological regions California, accompanied by 87 color images of these regions as represented by paintings from The Irvine Museum, the Oakland Museum of California, the Crocker Art Museum, the Hearst Art Gallery, the Kern County Museum and several private collections.
Written by David Wicinas, with additional essays by E. O. Wilson, Joan Irvine Smith, Jean Stern, Kevin Starr and many others.
136 pages, 87 color plates, map
Hardbound edition